I am in an interesting situation. MBWM just completed our recertification for Food Stamps. Because we make $3.55 per month too much, our food stamps is going to be reduced by nearly $500 per month. Frankly, I cannot wait until I have a position that pays well enough that I can not only end my dependence on Food Stamps but on the MediCare that my kids are on. Food assistance and medical support being rather high on my list of thing to provide to my family, I am willing to remain on the government's support for now. My solution? I informed my boss that I would be working a half-hour less per week. That reduces my income by $30 per month. I am looking forward not only to being off of the dole, but also ending the paperwork to retain the service, and the end of playing these little games with our financial numbers.
But there is a good side to being on Food Stamps. We have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. After all, what we spend it on is up to us. Junk food is extremely rare. Specialized products to deal with milk and gluten intolerances make up a large percentage of our Food Stamps budget. And so I can only blame my poor food choices on either eating too much or buying things outside of the house. And even with having two paychecks behind me, I can't afford the money to eat out.
And with that in mind, I need to see the good things going for me, like returning to the Y. I'm right there, ready to get out of this slump and get back to work. Once rent is paid, I will be rejoining the Y. Possible even sooner depending on how much the Y asks for membership fees based on my income.
Yours in the work of works,
P.S.: "We fought a war on poverty and poverty won." - Ronald Reagan
P.P.S.: While the situation of poverty in America is not that simple, with notable successes and failures, we as a nation must look into what works to give people the tools to lift themselves out of the government's support. With that in mind, I am announcing my plans to research the possibility of running for US Representative from the Great State of Idaho. Here is my platform that is currently under research:
- Let's be honest and upfront, I am in this for the reward of a impressive steady paycheck and an exceptional retirement package while applying my intelligence towards another worthwhile goal. I am tired of being underemployed and partially utilized.
- I have an over-developed sense of responsibility. I will do my best to listen to my constituents and represent them well in Washington D.C. If you speak, I will listen. If I listen, I will work to understand. If I understand, I will take it to Congress.
- This may a blatant expression of political idealism, but while I definitely have my view points on many of the topics facing our nation, I am there to represent the constituents. I may prefer to vote one way, but I will vote according to the input I receive from the people I represent.
- I most firmly believe that one of the biggest problems facing the interaction of the American populace and the political establishment comes about from a form of modern, electronically induced apathy. I believe that most people would have a short answer that is nearly correct than a longer answer that is correct. I will devote myself to being someone to explores, researches, and otherwise is involved in understanding something in depth. Where I spend that time depends on what is most important to my constituents, or at least, those constituents that choose to converse and communicate with me.
The idea of running for office is not a new idea. I have bounced it off of my friends, family, and classes. My nighttime math class was the most excited by the prospect, even offering to start a grass roots movement on my behalf. I have to admit that this comes about from a rather unusual source. I lived in Iceland for awhile. I have kept abreast of their current events. Recently, Jon Gnarr retired as mayor of Reykjavík. I watched his political ads / music videos back when he was running for mayor, promising such things as a polar bear in the Reykjavík zoo. Maybe, with a little effort and support, I can apply his inspiration to get involved and do something for Idaho.
So please, when you see me:
- Shake my hand. Make me look important.
- Let me look you in the eye to show I am involved in understanding your struggles.
- Let me express by my verbal expressions and public efforts that I am thankful for this great country, this incredible state, my sublime home, and your vote.
- Please let me show you how sincere I am in putting together the better American government.
Eliot Smith for US Representative from Idaho!
6. Have a firm handshake.
7. Look people in the eye.
8. Say "thank you" a lot.
9. Say "please" a lot.
10. Learn to play a musical instrument.