Weight Information -
Weight: 454.6 lbs
Weight Change This Week: -0.6 lbs
Weight Change To Date: +1.4 lbs
Weight Gauge: *Heavy*Sigh*
Current Goals -
Number Goal: 430 lbs
Distance to Goal: 24.6 lbs
Feel Good Goal: Set aside time to relax
Distance to Goal: Making this a part of Executive Council for me and MBWM
The Y: Go to the Y three time next week.
Distance to Goal: Calendar session of Executive Council is tomorrow
Weight Watchers:
Use the paper tracker every day this week
Make a meal plan with the PPV's worked out for two weeks
Attend at least two Regular meeting this week, most likely Friday and Saturday
Distance to Goal:
Paper tracker is set-up. MBWM created an Excel version. I'll refine for use with phone.
Meal planning during Family Council. I'll work out PPV's.
Friday is still ahead of us
Overeaters Anonymous: Attend two meetings this week
Distance to Goal: Calendar session of Executive Council is tomorrow
This was a better week than last week. There were places I did well but can do better. I only tracked 5 of 7 days. There are places I did poorly than I need to attend to. The primary focus of this week:
- Meal plans for two weeks. This will help in SO many ways. We will work in lots of fresh fruits and veggies. The 3'x5' cards thing never happened. Since there is already a pattern within my family for menu planning, we'll just stick to that.
- Always track what gets eaten, even if the point value is difficult to determine.
- Make a plan (See entry Bitter and Sweet Successes). This week had several unexpected events. That's life. I need to be ready with a go-to plan that will assist with de-stressing to avoid poor food choices.
- Now that ITT is behind me, I will block out time for Weight Watchers, Overeaters Anonymous, and the YMCA as I would have for ITT. Fortunately, calendaring has been much more successful since MBWM and I make it a point in Executive Council to cover the next 8 days on our calendars.
- Page views: 149. Can I just say: WOW!! And Thank You!! I am still floored.
Additional Issues / Solutions: Record notes from meetings online for ease of access for review. Maybe convince MBWM to let me record her notes as well.
Good Idea: When going to a business lunch or similar eating-out event, read the menu online in advance and make your selection then. Calculate your points before you eat.
Post Number: 12
Days of Tracking: 5/7
Happy National Acorn Squash Day!
I hope you celebrated in the traditional way. When you figure out what that is, let me know. Just don't tell me it's baking an acorn squash with brown sugar and butter in the hole where the seeds were scooped out.
At this point in time, I now have two data points. And two points make a line. Twice this week, I didn't track and I didn't blog on the same day. I wouldn't call it a correlation, but it is suspicious. Things that make you go, hmmmm.... (Yes, a reference to Arsenio Hall and his imminent return.)
I am still having a couple of issues with the Weight Watchers system. First, I'm paying for the eTools and not able to use them. I was at a pot luck picnic in the park. It would have been nice to use the eTools on my phone to help me make decisions. I might have skipped the hot dog. After all, it was 8 points. I did carry the book with me, but it didn't refer to it while in line. Being a techno-geek, I would like to believe I would have checked the tools on the phone.
And the second issue, there is a hidden danger in having 71 daily points. So today, for breakfast, MBWM and I went to Subway for a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Yum but a whopping 11 points. I had soup and salad for lunch. Almost as yum. Because I added tortilla chips, lunch was a hefty 18 points. We went to a home school social at Tully Park. Heading into the dinner, I had 42 points. I eased up a little on the caution. Not that I had been particularly cautious earlier in the day seeing that I had bacon and cheese for breakfast and two helpings of tortilla chips for lunch. At the pot luck, I selected some healthy choices and some not-as-healthy choices. I wasn't able to find pasta salad in the Weight Watchers book, so I guessed a 1/4 cup was 4 points. It's probably WAY off, but I had plenty of points to work with. There was also a corn casserole that was definitely not low fat. I only took 2 tablespoons, but I listed it as a 1/4 cup as well. Again, not in the Weight Watchers book, but I wasn't surprised. I listed it as 4 points. At the end of the day, I had 24 points left to work with. That's only slightly below the lowest possible value for a single day in Weight Watchers. On the way home from the pot luck I turned into Arctic Circle. I had 24 points, I can spend them on an ice cream cone. Dipped in chocolate. Fortunately, there was one car in front of me. I drove off knowing I didn't really have to use the 24 points, especially since I want to lose weight slightly faster than 2 pounds per week until I am below the 400 mark.
So I am still trying to learn my way around my food-eating-psyche. Having a budget (daily of 71 points, weekly of an additional 49 points) is wonderful. I need to find the happy medium of feeling satiated with my food intake that day and satisfied with my point usage for the day. When that happens, I think I will truly begin to feel successful. Successful because I will have not only mastered the tool that will help me lose weight, but will have adapted to my idea of success.
As a point of information, my family holds three councils every Sunday:
- Executive Council - Just MBWM and me. This meeting includes synchronizing calendars for the next 8 days.
- Board of Directors - MBWM, the teens, and me
- Family Council - Everyone
In these councils, we bring up concerns one-by-one, starting from youngest to oldest. That means I go last in every meeting. But that's okay. It's amazing how many issues I don't bring up because I've grown less than enthused and no longer consider it as important or someone else brought it up.
I will be bring up the fact here that I am starting to record my notes from my Weight Watchers meetings so I can have easy access to them online for review. Look for them below my sign off.
And so another long day comes to a close. I am heading to bed a little earlier than usual. Hopefully it will help me be a little less stressed tomorrow.
Yours in the joys of incremental successes,
P.S.: Weight loss mantra: In the end, there is too much.
Notes from Weight Watchers meeting today -
What motivates you to come to the meeting?
- Harder to slip up. Easier to stay on track.
- Routine keeps me going in the right direction.
Pay attention to the nutritional value of points. Get the most bang for the buck by:
- Most food for the points
- Most nutritional value for the points
Try to do different options. Variety is the spice of life
You can fight or embrace the characteristics of life: age, busy-ness, routine
Try one little thing that you can do every day to create a good habit. Take baby steps in creating a routine.
Make a routine of knowing what you're having for lunch.
What do you do to overcome the difficulties in establishing a routing?
- Be in control of your environment
- Plan for the week
- Plan for the unplanned
- Reduce - Use portion control - Then track it
- Refuse - Mentally coach yourself towards success in advance
- Know your challenges and then plan ahead
- Use the cheat sheets in eTools (I so wish I could)
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. This creates a habit.
- Routine becomes second nature
- Plan this week for putting things into action
- Take baby steps
- Have a goal that is set for a few days a week or one meal per day
There are many different levels of success. (I do believe this last one was a preview of next week's lesson)
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