Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Draw Attention

Post Number: 111
Review of Yesterday's Progress
     Daily PPV Used/Left: 24/47 of 71 (Goal: 28/43)
     Pedometer Reading: ? (Battery died. Happened before. Guess I'll change it this time)
     Meetings Attended: Overeaters Anonymous
     Exercise Completed: Swam Laps at the Y (8 laps, 400 yards)
     M-W's Daily Word: Acephalous

Round I of II

My kids laid a booby trap in the fridge yesterday morning. And it caught the biggest booby in the house. They placed a large, mostly full yogurt container on top of a small, glass relish jar at the front of the top shelf. This tower of impending doom was ever so slightly blocking the tea jug I use every morning. I opened the door, reached in to take out some tea, but before the tea jug could be grasped the trap was sprung. Grumbling as I bent over to clean up the yogurt, my glass fell off my face. I grabbed at them but ended up batting them across the floor of the kitchen. I glared at the glass as though it were another one of my errant children. Then I returned to the cleaning of the yogurt from the floor and fridge. After consuming my morning tea and reassembling the fridge, I grabbed my coat and swim bag and headed for the car. I had lost the few minutes of lead time that had been mine by waking ahead of my alarm. Already, it was after 5 am and I hadn't left yet.

Traveling along the road, I noticed, finally, that my glasses were still not a fitting feature of my physiognomy. I debated heading back. I need to wear my glasses according to my license. In the past, I had taken the DMV sight test without my glasses. But the last time, watery eyes induced by a head cold made it impossible to pass with at least one eye without my glasses. I wanted to be sure to be home by 7 am. That time frame being my prime concern, I drove on, deciding I would drive in such a way as to not draw attention to myself. Moving forward with the plan in confidence, I arrived at the YMCA without anything that drew my attention or that drew attention to me. Or so I thought. Upon arriving, I soon discovered that I would be parking in the distant wings of the parking lot. And while pulling into a parking spot, I noticed that my lights weren't on. So much for not drawing attention to myself.

The YMCA was once again set up for the benefit of a high school swim team practice. This time, they had set up the lane dividers to cover the length of the pool. All of the lanes appeared to be in use. And there were multiple people in each lane. That was fine with me. I was going to use the warmer instruction pool. Normally, I push hard for much of the energy expenditure. Yesterday, I didn't feel like pushing at all. That made me want to push in some form, so I completed an 8th lap. My best distance yet. But while I was thus engaged in getting through the exercise, I was mentally seeking a word. While I was seeking the word, I drew a comparison. And that comparison thought me back to the SAT analogies. These were the portion of the English skills that would test you with a question like:
  1. elbow : arm :: knee : _______
    • walking
    • finger
    • leg
    • nose
So my question was:
  1. plod : jog :: ___?___ : swim
    • ?
Yesterdays exercise was the swimming equivalent of a plod. I just have no idea what word that would be, but at my level of effort I was only able "to progress or develop slowly." But it is still progress. Just not sure what the word is: Swim + Plod = Swid? Swod? Slod? Plod + Swim = Plom? Plim? Pwim? Plomswid? Slodpwim? Anyway, at least the plodding pace of swimming was better than not doing any exercise. Of course, as a (currently) at home father, I get quite a bit of exercise chasing down the kids. Something that needs to happen right now.

Yours in the exuberance of youth that surrounds me, inflicts me, and joyously enlivens my day,


Round II of II

Now that the child issue has been resolved, a few more thoughts in the review of yesterday. Only partially completed one job application. I completed the application for ACHD and the tailored resume file I use to prepare a targeted cover letter and resume. Now that the harder parts are over, it's time move on to the last two. But those will have to happen after I have returned from the Y later today.

Something else that will have to happen after I return from the Y is working on the OA Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. I have been working on Step 4 off and on for about three weeks. Here are the parts of the process as I understand them:
  1. This step asks me to look at the resentments I have. 
  2. Then it asks me to inspect the cause; Why am I angry about this? 
  3. Next is to examine what part of my life was hurt or threatened.
  4. Next, Step 4 asks me to examine where I am to blame.
  5. And finally, I need to determine the exact nature of my wrong.
The fourth part is usually pretty easy. I start with the idea that I am selfish and expand upon it from there into specifics: pride, vanity, fear, etc. I'm not sure why so many people fear the introspection behind this process. The only thing I can draw from my experience is the fact that growth may appear painful before heading into it. The hardest part I have with Step 4 is not the doing of it. It's that it is already a part of my thought processes so it frequently feels more like review. In my education education, I learned about a process known as metacognition. This process asks us learn to observe our thoughts to understand behaviors and motivations. There are numerous resentments I have cleared already thanks to this process. This might well be due to have been through Step 4 before, it has become a small part of my metacognition process. I am going to keep going until I feel I have satisfied this step.

And I am satisfied that I have filled this journal entry far enough.

Yours in the opportunity to get on with my day,


P.S.: As I was leaving the YMCA yesterday, their muzak system was playing: The Tide is High by Blondie. I just had to share.

P.P.S.: A neat feature of the Merriam-Webster website and their app is that every word in their definition can lead to the next definition. At their website, if there is a word in the definition that you want to look up, double click it. The definition will open in a new tab.

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