Post Number: 93
Review of Yesterday's Progress
Daily Points Left: 48 of 71 (Goal: 31)
Weekly Points Left: 49 of 49 (Goal: 49)
Pedometer Reading: 4779
Meetings Attended: None Scheduled
Exercise Completed: At the Y -
Swam Laps (5 laps, 250 yards)
Water Jogged (5 laps, 250 yards)
M-W's Daily Word: Coax
IT feels good to be working the work. I am keeping on track with the diet and exercise. I am tracking down the network contacts and building the resumes for submission. The network leads are dwindling. But I have located six jobs to apply for. Those applications are underway. And there is a job fair today. Job fairs don't typically work for me as a job networking resource, but they do give me a chance to practice my pitch. All this while we have visitors and the day-to-day tasks.
All of this has put in mind of that saying, "Yesterday is over. We call it the past. Tomorrow is yet to come. We call it the future. Today is a gift. That is why we call it the present." My family is all here. And I will be spending time with them this morning while I can. And then it is back into job fairs, resumes, networking contacts, dishes, laundry, tracking points, and hitting the Y. I hope and pray for the success that will warm the heart to encourage me through the day and the joyous reunion that will come tonight.
I'm not saying that making today a gift is easy. I'm only saying that the rewards are disproportionately large for the amount of effort required.
Yours in the supremely sublime and transcendent joys that come from doing my part in the family,
Yesterday is over. It is the past. Those gifts are precious to remember.
Tomorrow is yet to come. It is the future. Those gifts are delightful to build.
Today is a precious gift. It is the present. It is the offering of ourselves to others that makes the present more precious than any other gifts.
Daily Points Left: 48 of 71 (Goal: 31)
Weekly Points Left: 49 of 49 (Goal: 49)
Pedometer Reading: 4779
Meetings Attended: None Scheduled
Exercise Completed: At the Y -
Swam Laps (5 laps, 250 yards)
IT feels good to be working the work. I am keeping on track with the diet and exercise. I am tracking down the network contacts and building the resumes for submission. The network leads are dwindling. But I have located six jobs to apply for. Those applications are underway. And there is a job fair today. Job fairs don't typically work for me as a job networking resource, but they do give me a chance to practice my pitch. All this while we have visitors and the day-to-day tasks.
All of this has put in mind of that saying, "Yesterday is over. We call it the past. Tomorrow is yet to come. We call it the future. Today is a gift. That is why we call it the present." My family is all here. And I will be spending time with them this morning while I can. And then it is back into job fairs, resumes, networking contacts, dishes, laundry, tracking points, and hitting the Y. I hope and pray for the success that will warm the heart to encourage me through the day and the joyous reunion that will come tonight.
I'm not saying that making today a gift is easy. I'm only saying that the rewards are disproportionately large for the amount of effort required.
Yours in the supremely sublime and transcendent joys that come from doing my part in the family,
Yesterday is over. It is the past. Those gifts are precious to remember.
Tomorrow is yet to come. It is the future. Those gifts are delightful to build.
Today is a precious gift. It is the present. It is the offering of ourselves to others that makes the present more precious than any other gifts.
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