Weight Information -
Weight: 451.8 lbs
Weight Change This Week: -1.4 lbs
Weight Change To Date: -1.4 lbs
Weight Gauge: Crushing
Current Goals -
Number Goal: 430 lbs
Distance to Goal: 21.8 lbs
Feel Good Goal: Relax
Distance to Goal: Approaching Pluto
Post Number: 3
As I have gone through life, I have had a few certainties that buoyed me up. I am going to focus on the one of them today. I am certain that everyone has something to teach me. I have learned quite a bit. I continue to learn. And proper plethora of people perform as my professor. This led to two e-mail addresses that I used for a long time:
- NeverCeasesToAmuseMe@_________.com
- NeverCeasesToAmazeMe@_________.com
And running in a similar vein of being bemused by people, I offer a comic: Dalai Lama's quote from Zen Pencils. I have heard the quote in this comic before, but it's theme is a reminder of choosing to regain my health before it's forced upon me. By the way, the comic Zen Pencils is a wonderful addition to your comics line-up, even if you may disagree with the depiction within the comic or the reasoning behind the quote. I disagree with the depicition of a favorite poem: Invictus. I always pictured Invictus as something more uplifting like Martin Luther King Jr's rise above his circumstances to lead a life built upon lifting others beyond their circumstances. I disagree with the some of the reasoning behind Carl Sagan's quote that is based on secular humanism.
So I hope to be able to offer a little encouragement to myself when I review my health-ifying blogging efforts during the dark times to come. C.S. Lewis spoke of undulations in life. Strong early conviction worn down by time and experience. I know this euphoric feeling that comes from taking on an exciting new challenge will one day become difficult, especially since I haven't started exercising. So, to the reason of accountability as a motivation behind this blog, I seek to add a little light and humor as a store for the dark and dreary to come.
And, perhaps, therein lies the greatest opportunity for amusement: light amid the monotony, humor amid the heartache, joy amid the pain.
Happy Health,
A Bloggers Haiku:
Democratic Form
Typing, Seeking More Meaning
Becoming Nothing
Lost in Open Thought, Formless
Becoming Something
Focused Beyond Here
Building in Joy and Pain Now
Creation of Self
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