Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog Creation Motivation

Last Weigh In: Friday, 23 August 2013
Weight Information -
     Weight: 451.8 lbs
     Weight Change This Week: -1.4 lbs
     Weight Change To Date: -1.4 lbs
     Weight Gauge: Huff 'n' Puff

Current Goals -
     Number Goal: 430 lbs
     Distance to Goal: 21.8 lbs
     Feel Good Goal: Relax
     Distance to Goal: Pluto feels closer

Post Number: 1

This past Saturday morning, the students of my Survey of the Sciences course asked if the information they were told was correct. Their informant had reported that I would not be teaching their Math class next quarter for which the Science course was a prerequisite. I explained that my health had deteriorated too far for me to not pay intense attention to it. In order to concentrate on the key detriment to my health, my weight, I was leaving ITT. I have no other job lined up. One of them suggested that I start keeping a blog. I immediately thought this was a good idea as it provided an additional form of accountability. Plus, I like to think of myself as a recreational writer. This will provide one more forum for me to have some pleasure from writing. So here it is, a blog on my experience on weight loss.

With this in mind, I am planning to write a few of other initial entries. Namely, I will provide more information on the naming of this blog, the background of who I am, some history of my weight loss, and the initial plans on attacking my weight issues, mental, emotional, and spiritual, as well as physical.

So come along with me. I don't move fast, so it should be easy to keep up with me.

Take care,


P.S.: Someone suggested that vlogging was faster and easier. To me, that sounds like violent flogging. No thanks.

1 comment:

  1. We wish you the best of luck Eliot! Our class is behind you 100% Matt and I told them about your blog and they were all really excited so I am sure they will all be following along as well! Here's to a healthier tomorrow!!
