Sunday, December 29, 2013

An Exhilarating Experience with the Scale (Evaluation: Week 18)

Last Weigh In: Saturday, 28 December 2013

Weight Information -
  • Weight: 397.8 lbs
  • Weight Change This Week: -4.6 lbs
  • Weight Change To Date: -55.4 lbs
  • Weight Gauge: Woo Hoo!
  • BMI: 62.3 (down from 63.0 last week)
  • Daily PPV: 71 (unchanged)
  • PPV Used this Week: 127 out of 426 (Adjusted for 6 days of tracking)
  • PPV Not Used this Week: 299 (53.9%)
Current Goals -
  • Number Goals
    • Weight: 15% Weight Loss at 385.2 lbs (12.6 lbs away)
    • BMI: Reach a value below 40.0 (22.3 away)
    • PPV Not Used this Week: 299 (Beat by 82)
  • Waist Goal: Lost another available hole in the belt. Down to 5
  • Feel Good Goal: Set up the house. Get in the water with the kids
  • Physical Goal: Walk upright up the stairs of my house every time
  • The Y: Go to three aquatics classes and work on the bicycle machine once next week
  • Weight Watchers:
    • Make a meal plan with the PPV's worked out for one day to serve as a fall back
    • Use the paper tracker to record calculated points every day this week
    • Use 40 for my daily points instead of 71
    • Avoid using 49 weekly points. Daily points leave 31 available every day. That's 217 left over points available per week
    • Attend at two meetings this week. Scheduled for Wednesday and Saturday
  • Overeaters Anonymous: 
    • Attend two meetings this week. Scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday
    • Face up to Step 1
    • Read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the AA Big Book
  • Sticky Notes
    • Keeping Pushing for Another "WooHoo! Weigh In"
    • Be active for 5 minutes out of every sedentary hour
    • Put down the fork and sip water between bites
    • Get to Bed!
  • Weight Watcher's Awards this week -
    • Bravo - For passing into the 300's
    • 5 lbs - For losing another 5 pounds
  • Number Goals: Passed an exciting one today. Direction feels wonderful. Quantity feels great. Circumstance of the Christmas celebration makes this awe inspiring for me.
  • Waist Goal: Belt is comfortable and effective at 5 available holes. 6 is ineffective. 4 is uncomfortable.
  • Feel Good Goal: Still working on it. The house is making progress, especially in preparation for Christmas. I simply have to make the Y for the family happen: Schedule It! Do It!
  • Physical Goal: Still need to pull myself up the stairs.
  • The Y Goal: To borrow from Nike: Just Do It!
  • WW Goal: Still need to make a meal plan for one single day
  • OA Goal: Not sure how to take this one since I didn't read the literature or attend any meetings this week. This needs to be a higher priority to be able to work through the solution to this issue that I am having.
    This week's weigh in has been a wonderful surprise to add to a great week. I went in hoping for success in direction only. The scale only to decrease from last week's weigh in to being about happiness for me. I had geared up mentally to accept any number presented. The numbers on the weigh in speak two things to me. One, the exercise is important, but probably more vital once my weight is somewhere more reasonable for my frame to handle. I have muscle burnout after three-quarters of a mile on the elliptical. Granted, I try to make it intense. I swim 5 laps and water jog a few more and I wish there was a wheelchair to bring me back to my car. And after either of these events, I feel them in my muscles for two or three days. Exercise is important. This will build the muscles mass needed to (1) burn more calories now and (2) be ready for more meaningful athletic successes in the low 200's when I suspect the exercise will really begin paying off in health benefits.

    The other thing this speaks to me is that I am beginning to retrain the brain. I must have made some good decisions, even on Christmas when I tossed aside the tracker for the rest of the day after breakfast. Those good decisions paid off with an incredible amount of weight loss. And to make the retraining even better, my body is along for the ride. The chocolate I ate on Christmas made me queasy. The high-fat of summer sausage and cheese kept me queasy. I need to reinforce this mentally and physically for as long as possible while I can still afford Weight Watchers. I do have hopes of staying with Weight Watchers all the way into the 100's, but I need to balance those hopes with the all too real possibility of impending financial woes. And to make matters slightly more spooky, there is always the ability to retrain the body and brain going the other way.

    But those concerns over finances and habits are for the distant future. I am returning my focus to this moment before me in this stretch of the marathon. And it feels incredible.

    Looking Forward:
    • Stay on program with Weight Watchers, especially keeping the daily points consumed to under 40, hopefully under 30.
    • Adjust food selection gradually away from the strict low carb / low fat options to round out the diet a little more. Increasing the veggie consumption would be a great option to commence this transition.
    • Get back on track with swimming laps and using the exercise machines.
    • Hold onto the joyful feelings of this day to get me through the the times of lesser success.
    I have found the way (IV) to have success even in the holidays. Stick to what works for the body's health and the mind's sanity.

    I have seized the road (CU) in such a way the the next goal is achievable regardless of its distance. For the next goal, it will take the patience available from the marathon mentality. I expect it to take three to five weeks to lose the next 12.6 pounds. I will get a little closer each week.

    I am enjoying the journey (FI) more than I know how to express because MBWM had an exceptional week this week as well. There is great joy in my weight loss. There is greater joy found in this mutual success.

    Post Number: 84
    Review of Yesterday's Progress
         Daily Points Left: 49 of 71 (Goal: 31)
         Weekly Points Left: 49 of 49 (Goal: 49)
         Pedometer Reading: 2864 (paused)
         Meetings Attended: Weight Watchers
         Exercise Completed: None Scheduled
         M-W's Daily Word: imbricate

    Ante-Script: People worry about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they should really worry about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. - Anonymous

    I just had to stat today's blog entry with that ante-script (here and forever more known in this blog by A.S.). I debated calling it the pre-script, so I could create confusion by using the abbreviation P.S., but that actually didn't work for me. Strange. I hope that's not a sign of impending growth into deeper maturity. Regardless, the point of the quip is incredible to me. Just think, if I were to be a strict adherent to my health for 51 weeks of the year, taking that one celebratory week off wouldn't matter.

    When I was heading into Weight Watchers, I had only one hope. That I would have a negative weight change. I felt that would be a blessing. And when I weighed in, the windows of Heaven had opened and poured forth great blessings. I am incredibly grateful for my body and mind pushing me continually in the right direction while making somewhat-poor decisions. I am even more grateful for MBWM's support. And I am most grateful that MBWM and I shared in similar success. She even lost more weight than I did by more than a pound. Way to go M! Love Ya, Gorgeous! And you're gorgeouser by the day!

    And as I have mentioned before, I need to stay focused on the portion of the marathon before me, capture the conqueror's high to lift me through the lesser successes ahead, and push on through to the next "Woo Hoo! Weigh In.

    Yours in the joyful expressions shared with you,


    P.S.: In my paper tracker on the day for Christmas, it reads:
    Oh the points of this day were frightful
    But the food was so delightful
    And since it's the Christmas date
    Points will wait. Points will wait. Points will wait.
    with apologies to the lyricists of "Let It Snow"

    Weight Watchers, 28 December 2013
    This month's routine: Before you leave the house, make sure you have a healthy snack with you.

    Robin, the Weight Watcher's leader, started her introductions by saying, "We are celebrating today. We need to celebrate. Find that thing that's exciting and celebrate it"

    What is one Bravo moment you had last week?

    • We're here
    • Dipping chocolates and didn't eat more than one per day (that was MBWM)
    • Instead of praying to be strong, praying for opportunities to be strong
    • Ate green beans four times, dislike texture so pretended they were grapes (this lead to the pros and cons of fresh vs frozen vs canned green beans)
    • Broke through a double ought (that was me)
    What does holding stead mean to you?
    • Maintain routine
    • Keeping the ship even, staying on course (naval theme prevailed through the rest of these answers)
    • Keep long-term goals in mind, look to the horizon
    • Get to the goal by the route that works best, sailboats have to tack sometimes to be able to reach their destination
    • Stay at the safe harbor once it's reached (keep working to maintain goal)
    What steps work best? Keep coming to the meetings

    How is it a challenge?
    • Goodies
    • Schedule is off kilter
    • There is no schedule
    • Kids are home
    • Cultural presence, a good holiday comes about from good food
    Leave the meeting today knowing that you are doing great.
    • Avoid negative feelings. The can be demotivating and defeating
    • Avoid the spiral that can start with one set back (as it says in this week's Weight Watcher Weekly: "Forgive yourself, own it, and move on". MBWM pointed out that I have already done that as described in this blog)
    What could you do to feel more peace in your life this week? How can you be kinder to yourself this week?
    • Seek out inner peace
    • Stay positive
    • Count blessings
    • Don't beat yourself up
    • Get rid of junk (food and mental)
    • Try a new Weight Watchers recipe (I purchased two WW recipe books today while they were still on sale. Had to break into my emergency gas money, but it will be worth it to start in on them this week.)
    • Take time for yourself
    • Daily (or more frequent) positive affirmations
    Is there something getting you down? What are you getting negative about that is getting in the way of your success? Write it down. Throw it away. Today.
    • High triglycerides
    • Past history
    • Negative attitude towards slow progress. It's still progress.
    • Attitude towards exercise
    • Me getting in my own way
    How do you feel now?
    • Good
    • Weight off of my shoulders
    Warning: Come early next week. If past experience is any teacher, the meeting will be packed and packed early.

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