Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Job of Getting to Work

Working Title:
Post Number: 97
Review of Yesterday's Progress
     Daily Points Used/Left: ?/? of 71 (Goal: 26/45)
     Weekly Points Left: 49 of 49 (Goal: 49)
     Pedometer Reading: ????
     Meetings Attended: None Scheduled
     Exercise Completed: At the Y -
          Swam Laps ( laps, yards)
          Water Jogged ( laps, yards)
     M-W's Daily Word: Word

A quick read through the SciConSer website for typos and I was ready to head out to the Y. And then Murphic Entropy tapped me on the shoulder. My towel, swim trunks, and all pants were in the washing machine. It was time to switch gears. Resumes and cover letters were quickly brought to the forefront. I was able to get one well-started resume completed while waiting for the clothes to dry. One down. Five to go. One of those five others was the center of my attention while the first was left to sit for two hours. The stationary application step in my job application process allows me to develop a renewed perspective for the final review immediately prior to submission. If time allows, I let the application sit for a full day. There are wonderful refinements and minute corrections that are frequently implemented before calling the application done.

And then the clothes were done. And with them, the Murphic Entropy reminder that I was down to about an 1/8th of a tank in my car, less in MBWM's van. With 2/3rds of the month to go, I am grateful to have all of my bills caught up. I am left, however, with a pittance for this month. I pressed on with applications. I resolved a second application. And then there was the third application. I had applied to a previous posting of a similar position for the City of Meridian. Quick updates, simple refinements, attention to a detailed review, and the third application was being mentally checked off the to-do list. But wait! I proceed to submit the application and the website informs me: Server Error in '/EmploymentApp' Application. And it should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with computers, the data was lost. Right back to the initial account set up. That information was preserved. Time to get back to work.

But working hard, doing well, and keepin' up with the keepin' on, I found myself at 2 pm with three applications checked off, two barely started, and little desire to do the keepin' on part. Going to the Y suddenly seemed like a wonderful de-stressing interruption. And right then and there, an announcement. I have new e-mail. It was from one of my networking contacts. She was forwarding me a job lead. It involved metrology (not meteorology). It sounded too exciting to pass up. And then it was after 4 pm. At 4 pm on a Friday afternoon, I am going to call it a day. I didn't want to know what the Y was going to be like on the second Friday of the New Year given that Wednesday after 4 pm was the cross-bred genetic misfit of pandemonium, fear, and adrenaline.

But the time is far spent. I must away.

Yours in the pleasure of getting to work,


P.S.: The Largest Black Holes in the Universe

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