Friday, February 14, 2014

A Day Down Is Not Necessarily A Day Off / Valentine's Day Post-Scripts

Post Number: 132
Review of Yesterday's Progress
     Daily PPV Used/Left: 20/49 of 69 (Goal: 28/41)
     Pedometer Reading: 3808 (paused)
     Meetings Attended: Missed Overeaters Anonymous
     Exercise Completed: None
     M-W's Word of the DayCupid

I have a characteristic that I refer to as: My Overdeveloped Sense of Responsibility (ODSR). This is probably one of the things that is pushing me to use the gyms as much as I can while I still have access. After all, fitness doesn't store well. My ODSR kept me busy even though I have a virus of some kind. I have a headache that starts behind my eyes, travels around the top of the skull, down the back of my head, into the neck and down my spine. I believe my knee and ankle joints are jealous of the competition for my attention through inflicted pain. There are several other symptoms, but the illness isn't the point. Since I didn't exercise yesterday, I jumped into my number one time constrained responsibility, job searching, as prodded by my ODSR.

My ODSR did allow me to take a few breaks, during which I built the PS and PPS for tomorrow concerning a documentary on obesity in America. This entry is being posted on Valentine's Day, after all. I have this need to express in my PS today something of my enduring affection for MBWM.

Because of my less-than-endearing results in my job search, I dug a little further, a little longer, and a little broader selection of websites than usual. I didn't find anything promising, but there will be days like that. I will winnow through what I found and apply to the most promising. I just wish the automated searches would stop sending my contact information to the Food Service Industry. I do not believe I have the wherewithal to be a fine dining server. My hats off to those in their mid 40's that can. I followed up on governmental web sites in case there were any listings not posted to the more common web sites. I didn't find anything. I will focus today on catching up with my network. At least I hope I will.

There are two major impediments to my getting much done in my networking today that I learned from yesterday. One, this bug is more mentally debilitating than I had originally given it credit for. I had a tough time dealing with many of the complexities of the day. Two, my kids enjoy taking advantage of their weakened father. Not that I blame them. I would have done the same at their age.

And at my age, I need to get on with the day to make the most of the time I am semi-functional.

Yours in the joyful recovery that awaits me,


P.S.: First, the humorous Valentine's thought: Mormons Can't Send Flowers

P.P.S.: Love one another and you will be happy.  It's as simple and as difficult as that. - Michael Leunig

P.P.P.S.: The personal romantic Valentine's thought: I wanted to provide something in honor of my altruistic, alluring, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, charming, delightful, delectable, endearing, enduring, faithful, fearless, gregarious, gallant, beautiful, beloved wife. My latest love note, written a couple weeks ago and left under her pillow, makes for a quick Valentine's postscript expression. For you (again), dearest to my heart -
For My Beloved,
I may be using the words, "Hello," or "Good-bye," or "Your breakfast is ready." But when I say these or other simple words, I hope you realize that behind these words flows the most faithful love I possess. All of my treasured memories, cherished thoughts, and simple dreams are bound up in the small words I express in our conversation. I hope you will hear the words, "I Love You," behind these small words of expressions.
All my love, my dearest M,
Me (AKA: Yours)
And since I have faith in my writing skills and have even greater faith in my Sweetheart, an extemporaneous love note for my eternal beloved -
For My Forever Sweetie,
We play, we laugh, we work away! We hug, we smile, we share our day!
We kiss, we hold, each other's heart! We clean, we cook, we do our part!
And there I find, I see most fine! Your heart of gold, blessed, divine!
There is nothing more precious to me that I hold in my hands than the heart that makes my own beat faster. There is no greater reward for the most cherished work of seeing my efforts bring about your joyful expressions. There is no goal more vital to my life than lifting your spirit high enough to soar.
Happy Valentine's Day, My Love!

P.P.P.P.S.: As a dilettante in classical music and an admirer of Beethoven, I have not only studied Beethoven's life, but also had the opportunity to conduct the first movement of his Third Symphony. I still have the score. This opportunity arose from a interim semester class at Saint Olaf College. From my background education and experience, I do have a recommendation. If you choose to watch the movie Immortal Beloved, make sure you treat this movie of historical fiction as more fiction than history. Like many other movies (Amadeus and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid come immediately to mind), there is enough missing information from history that artistic license is given more leeway than it really should. For the best discussion on the possible identities of Beethoven's Immortal Beloved, I would recommend the book Beethoven by Maynard Solomon. If you do read the book before watching the movie, you will enjoy the movie for its exceptional accuracy to the scenes and costumes of the time, its incredible use of Beethoven's music as both subtle counterpoint to the foreground action and as plot points in the movies itself, its dramatic plot twists that keep you enthralled until the end, and well-conceived work of cinematic art.

With that inclination for warning fulfilled, I now feel inclined to transition to the real reason behind this specific postscript: the inclusion of one of music history's most famous love letters. It is famous for having no name or address attached to it. It was found among Beethoven's belongings after his death. Was it never delivered? Was it delivered and returned? Who was the letter for? Enjoy this written work of the musical mastermind Beethoven.

July 6th, in the morning
My angel, my all, my very self. - Only a few words today, and, what is more, written in pencil (and with your pencil)-I shan't be certain of my rooms here until tomorrow; what an unnecessary waste of time is all this--Why this profound sorrow, when necessity speaks--can our love endure without sacrifices, without our demanding everything from one another, can you alter the fact that you are not wholly mine, that I am not wholly yours?--Dear God, look at Nature in all her beauty and set your heart at rest about what must be--Love demands all, and rightly so, and thus it is for me with you, for you with me-- but you forget so easily that I must live for me and for you; if we were completely united, you would feel this painful necessity just as little as I do--My journey was dreadful and I did not arrive here until yesterday at four o'clock in the morning. As there were few horses the mail coach chose another route, but what a dreadful road it was; at the last state but one I was warned not to travel by night; attempts were made to frighten me about a forest, but all this only spurred me on to proceed--and it was wrong of me to do so.. The coach broke down, of course, owing to the dreadful road which had not been made up and was nothing but a country track. If we hadn't had those two postilions I should have been left stranded on the way--On the other ordinary road Esterhazy with eight horses met with the same fate as I did with four--Yet I felt to a certain extent that pleasure I always feel when I have overcome some difficulty successfully--Well, let me turn quickly from outer to inner experiences. No doubt we shall meet soon; and today also time fails me to tell you of the thoughts which during these last few days I have been revolving about my life--If our hearts were always closely united, I would certainly entertain no such thoughts. My hear overflows with a longing to tell you so many things--Oh--there are moments when I find that speech is quite inadequate--Be cheerful-- and be for ever my faithful, my only sweetheart, my all, as I am yours. The gods must send us everything else, whatever must and shall be our fate--
Your faithful Ludwig

Monday evening, July 6th
You are suffering, you, my most precious one--I have noticed the very moment that letters have to be handed in very early, on Monday--or on Thursday--the only days when the mail coach goes from here to K[arlsbad].--You are suffering--Oh, where I am, you are with me--I will see to it that you and I, that I can live with you. What a life!!!! as it is now!!!! without you--pursued by the kindness of people here and there, a kindness that I think-that I wish to deserve just as little as I deserve it--man's homage to man--that pains me--and when I consider myself in the setting of the universe, what I am and what is the man--whom one calls the greatest of me--and yet--on the other hand therein lies the divine element in man==I weep when I think that probably you will not receive the first news of me until Saturday--However much you love me--good night--Since I am taking the baths I must get off to sleep--Dear God--so near! so far! Is not our love truly founded in heaven--and, what is more, as strongly cemented as the firmament of Heaven?--

Good morning, on July 7th
Even when I am in bed my thoughts rush to you, my eternally beloved, now and then joyfully, then again sadly, waiting to know whether Fate will hear our prayer--To face life I must live altogether with you or never see you. Yes, I am resolved to be a wanderer abroad until I can fly to your arms and say that I have found my true home with you and enfolded in your arms can let my soul be wafted to the realm on blessed spirits--alas, unfortunately it must be so--You will become composed, the more so as you know that I am faithful to you; no other woman can ever possess my heart--never--never--Oh God, why must one be separated from her who is so dear. Yet my life in V[ienna] at present is a miserable life--Your love has made me both the happiest and the unhappiest of mortals--At my age I now need stability and regularity in my life--can this coexist with our relationship?--Angel, I have just heard that the post goes every day--and therefore I must close, so that you may receive the letter immediately--Be calm; for only by calmly considering our lives can we achieve our purpose to live together--Be calm--love me--Today--yesterday--what tearful longing for you--for you--you--my life--my all--all good wishes to you--Oh, do continue to love me--never misjudge your lover's most faithful heart.

ever yours
ever mine
ever ours


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