Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Exercise Upgrade

Post Number: 122
Review of Yesterday's Progress
     Daily PPV Used/Left: 23/48 of 71 (Goal: 28/43)
     Pedometer Reading: 4352 (paused)
     Meetings Attended: None Scheduled
     Exercise Completed: At the Y -
          Octane Recumbent Elliptical Machine (upgrade from the SciFit)
               15 minutes & 2.07 miles @ level 1
          Swam Laps (7 laps, 350 yards)
     M-W's Word of the DayRefulgence

Yesterday started with my bladder getting me out of bed about 20 minutes ahead of my alarm. While I was in the bathroom, Iguana came to my bedroom door to get my attention. I came out and he told me he'd been awakened by a nightmare. I listened to his story and watched as he drew it out on paper. To improve his mood, I mentioned I was heading to the Y. He bit at the prompt as I expected by asking if he could go with me. I said yes. His mood improved immensely. It was nice having him along with me going to and at the Y.

And it was a great day at the Y. I upgraded from the SciFit recumbent elliptical to the Octane recumbent elliptical. I finally figured out how to get it to work for me. In the past, either my tummy was in the way or my feet were leaving the foot pedals at the furthest arc of the ellipse. I like the Octane now that I can set it up for me! And I felt the burn more today than I have in the past on the SciFit. The next step is to figure out how to use my Kindle while on the Octane. I like the "text-to-speech" feature. While I am otherwise physically engaged, it keeps my reading pace steady (if slower than I read on my own) and turns the pages for me. Both useful features when I want hands free reading. But my cord was about 4 inches too short. So I was either leaning forward, which was awkward, or I was holding the Kindle, which took one arm out of the exercise effort. I have a little device we call The Octopus that allows up to five people to listen to the same audio having one plug and five headphone jacks. It's about 4 inches long. It is already in my exercise bag to see if it is the right length.

And I cut yesterday short to make sure the day was the right length. This early morning schedule was catching up to me. I accomplished quite a bit but it was with bleary speech and throbbing head. And to make matters worse, that hunger spoken of yesterday was with me again today. Knowing I was short on points made heading to the shower and then bed all the easier.

Of course, there was a not-so-brief interlude between the shower and the bed to follow up on some networking leads and jobs leads.

Yours in the effort of determining how to put all of the piece neatly together,


P.S.: This week will be a series of pictures that I found while cleaning out my smart phone.

I started putting my lunch together and was called away from the table. When I came back, my kids had made me a Happy Lunch -

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